
Installation - Space Autodoor Service

Choosing the appropriate automatic door is a decision that should be made by qualified professional. SPACE employed technicians can properly evaluate your desired traffic flow, types of users of the facility and the appropriate visual impression that the doors will provide. We can support planners, general contractors and clients through various construction projects and we offer high quality workmanship installing our full product range or products.

Our installation service is unique, in that we install products that are designed and manufactured in our production facility, which are some of the very best on the market today. This allows us to provide better quality door installations at lower cost. We employ a variety of safety and activation sensors in all of our installations and we provide a full range of access control products.

Once our qualified technicians install your door, our service does not stop there. We are available seven days a week to provide maintenance and repair. We have been in this industry for 15 years and are financially stable so you can be confident that we can support you and our products into the future.